Gametee Ltd. 20 Southey Drive, Tamworth, B79 8BQ United Kingdom. (Reg. England and Wales) Company Number: 8397368
Tunnel of Love - 5e Adventure Zine
Tunnel of Love - 5e Adventure Zine
Grab a partner! Take your party on a rip-roaring and hilarious voyage through the Tunnel of Love, a series of cavernous crystalline chambers inhabited by a wildly witty, drag-artiste inspired Fey Goddess of Love!
With the promise of treasure and a boon in the form of a great fairy blessing, this love and friendship themed mini-adventure is certain to get hearts racing!
The foothills north of the port of Westsun are unremarkable during the day; ancient cobblestone paths and marble structures serving as memorials to a long forgotten elven civilisation. But at night, if souls pure of heart and deed should wander the derelict structures and spiring pines, they may find themselves drawn to the glow of fairy lights around an ancient Ludusite cavern...
Forgotten to mortals is the legend of this magical place: of the fey who resides within whom delights in, and generously rewards, the purest love.
But no ordinary affection is deserving of such a boon. If lovers or friends of stout heart are willing to face the trials of the forgotten Goddess' lair, their union may be blessed by primordial magic as thrilling as young passion and as enduring as true love.
A 32 Page Fully Illustrated Adventure Zine for Parties of around Level 3
Contains everything you need to run Tunnel of Love, including combat encounters, riddles, puzzles, stat blocks, settings, and guidance on checks and roleplay. Players will have a chance to earn unique pieces of Ludusite Jewellery, each with fascinating abilities, and earn the boon of a fairy Goddess - if they can entertain her!
Digital Product Included
You will also receive a digital .PDF of the adventure zine, digital tokens to assist in play, and three unique zine-style battlemaps designed for this adventure.
Key Details
- Suggested for parties of around level 3
- Lovingly printed on Acid-Free 80gsm Kaleidostock with gorgeous rainbow-coloured pages.
- FSC® Certified
- 32 Pages
- Limited Kickstarter Edition (First Printing)
Delivery and Returns
Usually, orders are processed and dispatched within 2 business days, however during peak times (such as Black Friday) your order may take up to 5 business days before it is dispatched. Please factor this in, in addition to your standard delivery time.
Manufacturer: Gametee Ltd. -
1. Bulgarian (Български)
17+ Може да съдържа дребни части. ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: Дръжте далеч от деца.
Следвайте предупрежденията върху продуктите.
За всички продукти: Артикул за възрастни колекционери. Не е подходящо за деца. Това не е играчка.
2. Croatian (Hrvatski)
17+ Može sadržavati sitne dijelove. UPOZORENJE: Držati podalje od djece.
Slijedite upozorenja na proizvodima.
Za sve proizvode: Kolekcionarski predmet za odrasle. Nije prikladno za djecu. Ovo nije igračka.
3. Czech (Čeština)
17+ Může obsahovat malé části. VAROVÁNÍ: Uchovávejte mimo dosah dětí.
Řiďte se varováními na výrobcích.
Pro všechny výrobky: Sběratelský předmět pro dospělé. Není vhodné pro děti. Nejedná se o hračku.
4. Danish (Dansk)
17+ Kan indeholde små dele. ADVARSEL: Holdes uden for børns rækkevidde.
Følg advarslerne på produkterne.
For alle produkter: Samlerobjekt til voksne. Ikke egnet til børn. Dette er ikke legetøj.
5. Dutch (Nederlands)
17+ Kan kleine onderdelen bevatten. WAARSCHUWING: Buiten bereik van kinderen houden.
Volg de waarschuwingen op de producten.
Voor alle producten: Verzamelobject voor volwassenen. Niet geschikt voor kinderen. Dit is geen speelgoed.
6. English
17+ May contain small parts. WARNING: Keep away from children.
Follow warnings on products.
For all products: Adult collectible. Not suitable for children. This is not a toy.
7. Estonian (Eesti)
17+ Võib sisaldada väikeseid osi. HOIATUS: Hoidke laste käeulatusest eemal.
Järgige toodetel olevaid hoiatusi.
Kõigi toodete puhul: Täiskasvanutele mõeldud kollektsioneeritav ese. Ei sobi lastele. See ei ole mänguasi.
8. Finnish (Suomi)
17+ Voi sisältää pieniä osia. VAROITUS: Pidä poissa lasten ulottuvilta.
Noudata tuotteiden varoituksia.
Kaikille tuotteille: Aikuisten keräilyesine. Ei sovellu lapsille. Tämä ei ole lelu.
9. French (Français)
17+ Peut contenir de petites pièces. AVERTISSEMENT : Tenir hors de portée des enfants.
Suivez les avertissements figurant sur les produits.
Pour tous les produits : Objet de collection pour adultes. Ne convient pas aux enfants. Ceci n’est pas un jouet.
10. German (Deutsch)
17+ Kann Kleinteile enthalten. WARNUNG: Von Kindern fernhalten.
Beachten Sie die Warnhinweise auf den Produkten.
Für alle Produkte: Sammlerstück für Erwachsene. Nicht für Kinder geeignet. Dies ist kein Spielzeug.
11. Greek (Ελληνικά)
17+ Ενδέχεται να περιέχει μικρά εξαρτήματα. ΠΡΟΕΙΔΟΠΟΙΗΣΗ: Κρατήστε το μακριά από παιδιά.
Ακολουθήστε τις προειδοποιήσεις που αναγράφονται στα προϊόντα.
Για όλα τα προϊόντα: Συλλεκτικό αντικείμενο για ενήλικες. Δεν είναι κατάλληλο για παιδιά. Δεν είναι παιχνίδι.
12. Hungarian (Magyar)
17+ Apró alkatrészeket tartalmazhat. FIGYELMEZTETÉS: Gyermekektől távol tartandó.
Kövesse a termékeken található figyelmeztetéseket.
Minden termék esetében: Felnőtt gyűjtői tárgy. Nem alkalmas gyermekek számára. Ez nem játék.
13. Irish (Gaeilge)
17+ D’fhéadfadh codanna beaga a bheith ann. RABHADH: Coinnigh ó leanaí.
Lean na rabhaidh ar na táirgí.
I gcás gach táirge: Bailiúchán do dhaoine fásta. Ní oireann do leanaí. Ní bréagán é seo.
14. Italian (Italiano)
17+ Può contenere piccole parti. AVVERTENZA: Tenere fuori dalla portata dei bambini.
Seguire gli avvertimenti sui prodotti.
Per tutti i prodotti: Articolo da collezione per adulti. Non adatto ai bambini. Questo non è un giocattolo.
15. Latvian (Latviešu)
17+ Var saturēt sīkas detaļas. BRĪDINĀJUMS: Turiet bērniem nepieejamā vietā.
Ievērojiet brīdinājumus uz izstrādājumiem.
Attiecināms uz visiem izstrādājumiem: Kolekcionējams priekšmets pieaugušajiem. Nav piemērots bērniem. Šī nav rotaļlieta.
16. Lithuanian (Lietuvių)
17+ Gali būti smulkių dalių. ĮSPĖJIMAS: Laikyti vaikams nepasiekiamoje vietoje.
Laikykitės ant gaminių nurodytų įspėjimų.
Visiems gaminiams: Kolekcinis daiktas suaugusiesiems. Netinka vaikams. Tai nėra žaislas.
17. Maltese (Malti)
17+ Jista’ jkun fih partijiet żgħar. TWISSIJA: Żomm ’il bogħod mit-tfal.
Segwi t-twissijiet fuq il-prodotti.
Għall-prodotti kollha: Oġġett tal-ġbir għall-adulti. Mhux adattat għat-tfal. Dan mhuwiex ġugarell.
18. Polish (Polski)
17+ Może zawierać małe elementy. OSTRZEŻENIE: Trzymać z dala od dzieci.
Przestrzegaj ostrzeżeń umieszczonych na produktach.
Dla wszystkich produktów: Kolekcjonerski produkt dla dorosłych. Nieodpowiedni dla dzieci. To nie jest zabawka.
19. Portuguese (Português)
17+ Pode conter peças pequenas. AVISO: Mantenha fora do alcance das crianças.
Siga os avisos nos produtos.
Para todos os produtos: Colecionável para adultos. Não é adequado para crianças. Isto não é um brinquedo.
20. Romanian (Română)
17+ Poate conține piese mici. AVERTISMENT: A nu se lăsa la îndemâna copiilor.
Respectați avertismentele de pe produse.
Pentru toate produsele: Obiect de colecție pentru adulți. Nu este potrivit pentru copii. Acesta nu este o jucărie.
21. Slovak (Slovenčina)
17+ Môže obsahovať malé časti. VAROVANIE: Uchovávajte mimo dosahu detí.
Dodržiavajte varovania na výrobkoch.
Pre všetky výrobky: Zberateľský predmet pre dospelých. Nevhodné pre deti. Toto nie je hračka.
22. Slovenian (Slovenščina)
17+ Lahko vsebuje majhne dele. OPOZORILO: Hranite zunaj dosega otrok.
Upoštevajte opozorila na izdelkih.
Za vse izdelke: Zbirateljski predmet za odrasle. Ni primerno za otroke. To ni igrača.
23. Spanish (Español)
17+ Puede contener piezas pequeñas. ADVERTENCIA: Mantener fuera del alcance de los niños.
Siga las advertencias en los productos.
Para todos los productos: Artículo de colección para adultos. No apto para niños. Esto no es un juguete.
24. Swedish (Svenska)
17+ Kan innehålla små delar. VARNING: Förvaras oåtkomligt för barn.
Följ varningarna på produkterna.
För alla produkter: Samlarföremål för vuxna. Inte lämpligt för barn. Detta är ingen leksak.
If you are not satisfied with an item purchased at Gametee you can return it to us within thirty (30) days of receipt of item(s) for an exchange or refund by following the steps outlined here.
Please find detailed information regarding international shipping, including delivery times, estimated cost, and any relevant tax information for your nation here.
Where possible, we are committed to reducing packaging and using recyclable materials to dispatch your order. Within the UK, our deliveries are carbon neutral. International deliveries use SAF (Sustainable Aviation Fuel.)